Our Investment Philosophy
Our Philosophy is simply:
Absolute Returns - The modus operandi is to remain positive through bull or bear markets while maintaining a low risk profile
Diversification - The Alternative Asset class is a necessary allocation to an efficient portfolio
Non Correlation - An efficient portfolio is made up of assets that behave independently of each other
The Alternative Asset Space
In today’s environment efficient portfolios require an allocation to Alternative Investments. These investments generally have a low correlation to traditional assets and can improve the efficiency of your portfolio by acting as a non-correlated hedge to the lion’s share of your portfolio. However…
These investments can generally be described as having restrictive terms, how is the Avant- Garde suite of funds different from other alternative investments?
Our Benchmark
Historically, our suite of funds have had very similar volatility and risk (measured by standard deviation) to an index of investment grade bonds. It is for this reason that the Dow Jones Corporate Bond Index makes the most sense to measure our returns against.
Considering the torrid recent past of the fixed income asset class, and an increasing interest rate environment, would it not be wise to resist the norm of a high fixed income allocation and substitute it with an asset that historically is acting a lot more like what is expected from Bonds?
Our Funds
The Avant-Garde Team manage 3 funds, all of which have performed exceptionally well in the current environment from both a return and risk management perspective. These funds include:
Avant-Garde Capital
Avant-Garde All Weather Growth